






3. 中国博士后科学基金,互连网络的可靠性研究(第四十批),3万元,已结题,主持。


1. Meijie Ma*, Jiguo Yu, Edge-disjoint paths in faulty augmented cubes, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2021, 294: 108-114.

2. Meijie Ma*, Junyan Xu, Jiguo Yu, Edge-disjoint paths in faulty hypercube-like networks, Ars Combinatoria, 2020, 151: 203-210.

3. Meijie Ma*, Tingting Zhou, Degree-associated edge-reconstruction numbers of double-brooms, Ars Combinatoria, 2020, 148: 3-15.

4. Meijie Ma, Douglas B. West, Jun-Ming Xu*,The vulnerability of the diameter of the enhanced hypercubes, Theoretical Computer Sciences, 2017, 694: 60-65.

5. Meijie Ma*, Topological properties on the diameters of the integer simplex, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2015, 186: 291-294.

6. Meijie Ma*, Huangping Shi, Hannah Spinoza, Douglas B. West, Degree-associated reconstruction on parameters of complete multipartite graphs and their complements, Taiwanes Journal of Mathematics, 2015, 19(4): 1271-1284.

7. Sandi Klavzar, Meijie Ma, Average distance, surface area, and other structural properties of exchanged hypercubes, Journal of Supercomputing, 2014, 69(1): 306-317.

8. Sandi Klavzar, Meijie Ma*, The domination number of exchanged hypercubes, Information Processing Letters, 2014, 114(4): 159-162.

9. Meijie Ma*, Ping Wang, Some new topological properties of triangular pyramid networks, Information Sciences, 2013, 248: 239-245.

10. Meijie Ma*, Jun-Ming Xu, Qiang Zhu, The Menger number of the Cartesian product of graphs, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011, 24(5): 627-629.

