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[2]  Zhao Huihong*, Zhang Chenghui, Non-Gaussian noise quadratic estimation for linear discrete-time time-varying systems, Neurocomputing, Vol.174, pp:921-927, 2016     

[3]  Zhang Chenghui, Zhao Huihong*, Li Tongxing, Krein space-based H adaptive smoother design for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear discrete-time systems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.287-288, pp:134-148, 2016           

[4]  Yang Heli*, Lv Zhiming, Liu Yongliang, Zhao Huihong, Sliding mode backstepping control for the flexible manipulator, International Journal of Simulation--Systems, Science & Technology, Vol.17, pp:23.1-23.4, 2016   

[5]  Deng Guangfu, Zhao Huihong*, H∞ fault detection for linear discrete time-varying descriptor systems with missing measurements, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Vol.2015, 13 pages, 2015     

[6]  Zhao Huihong, Zhang Chenghui*, Hfixed-lag smoothing for linear discrete time-varying systems with uncertain observations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol.244, pp:387-397, 2013      

[7]  Zhao Huihong, Zhang Chenghui*, Xing Guojing, H∞ filtering and smoothing for linear discrete time-varying descriptor systems with unknown inputs, IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol.6(5), pp:734-743, 2012  

[8] Zhao Huihong, Zhang Chenghui*, Wang Guangchen, Xing Guojing, H∞ estimation for a class of Lipschitz nonlinear discrete-time systems with time delay, Abstract and Applied Analysis, Vol.2011, 22 pages, 2011                  

[9] Zhao Huihong*, Zhang Chenghui, Finite-time Hfiltering for linear continuous time-varying systems with uncertain observations, Journal of Applied Mathematics, Vol.2012, 11 pages, 2012                              

[10] Zhao Huihong*, Zhong Maiying, Zhang Mingyu, H∞ fault detection for linear discrete time-varying systems with delayed state, IET Control Theory and Applications, Vol.4(11), pp:2303-2314, 2010      

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[12] 赵辉宏, 钟麦英*, 线性连续时变系统H∞故障检测滤波器设计, 华中科技大学学报(自然科学版), 37, S1, 74-77+82, 2009     

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[14] Li Yueyang*, Ding Qiang, Zhao Huihong, Comments on  H∞ filtering for discrete-time systems with randomly varying sensor delays, Automatica, Vol.45(7), pp:1783-1783, 2009    

[15] Zhong Maiying*, Liu Shuai, Zhao Huihong, Krein space-based H∞ fault estimation for linear discrete time-varying systems, Acta Automatica Sinica, Vol.34(12), pp:1529-1533, 2008    

[16] 邢国靖, 张承慧*, 赵辉宏, 带乘性噪声和测量时滞的随机系统二次滤波, 山东大学学报 (工学版), 41, 6, 8-16, 2011

[17] Xing Guojing,  Zhang Chenghui*, Cui Peng, Zhao Huihong, Indefinite LQ optimal control for systems with multiplicative noises: the incomplete information case, Advances in Intelligent and Soft Computing, Vol.104, pp:363-70, 2011   

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[20]  巩超玉, 李传祥, 赵辉宏*, 光热光电集成型太阳能孵化机设计, 榆林学院学报, 24, 6, 36-39+50, 2014

[21]  辛增, 郭训虎, 赵辉宏*, 太阳能楼道照明系统设计及其前景分析, 榆林学院学报, 24, 6, 33-35, 2014

[22] 赵辉宏*, 李传祥, 基于固定滞后平滑算法的线性离散时变系统故障估计, 德州学院, 29, 6, 63-68, 2013

